Comfortable corporate apparel is often less expensive than business attire and can improve overall company morale. According to the Promotional Products Association, the number one product growth category is corporate identity apparel.

Custom corporate apparel can help build your corporate identity, as well as boost employee morale and pride in your company. Think of your corporate apparel purchase as an investment, not as an expense. A polished, professional image, after all, just might translate into more satisfied, loyal customers and, in the long run, bigger and better sales!

Tips For Purchasing Custom Business Clothing

Custom corporate apparel can be offered to your employees as a fringe benefit. Employers who have implemented this idea have found that they often have an edge over their competition when it comes to recruiting and retaining the best employees. As as a perk, supplying custom business apparel to your employees and customers is very appealing and is an excellent marketing tool.

Some companies use custom corporate apparel as incentives and as a substitute for taxable wages--a compensation strategy that can lead to measurable savings in payroll (FICA) taxes. And for most small businesses, the purchase of employee custom business clothing is completely tax-deductible.

An investment in custom corporate apparel from Tornado Alley Sportswear will hold up--even under the most extreme circumstances. You will get a great look and long-lasting wear.


Copyright Tornado Alley Sportswear.  2013.